SAYA Designs: turning heads for all the right reasons

[versione italiana sotto]

When Victoria from SAYA Designs contacted me a few weeks back to collaborate with me I was immediately interested. First of all, her products are simple and beautiful. Then I read her story and the reasons that brought her where she is now.


When I work for a collaboration, most of the time, is with companies that make yarn or that have something to do with the knitting world, of course. It’s my job and my bigger passion. But, when a collaboration like this arrives in my inbox, I’m hooked.

“Wood is only a renewable and eco-friendly material if it is consciously sourced”.


When “Contemporary Design meets Traditional Craft”

Hair sticks are the original hair tool and have been used for thousands of years. They are durable, created to last and an alternative to plastic and elastic. Each SAYA hairpin is inspired by the rich flora and fauna in Indonesia, and designed to directly reflect local plant life. They are carved by hand by Balinese artisans, sanded down to the finest grain using simple tools and techniques, and finished with natural wax and oils

(from the ethos of SAYA Designs)


Do yourself a favour: go read the story behind SAYA Designs. On the website you will find many more informations and also tutorials to use at best her hair pins. This section was super helpful; I’ve had medium or long hair for most of life and I always end up using the same two styles, but now I think I will try at least a couple of ideas.

Quando Victoria diSAYA Designs mi ha contattata alcune settimane fa per collaborare sono stata interessata da subito. Prima di tutto, i suoi prodotti sono semplici, belli e utili. Poi ho letto la sua storia e le ragioni che l’hanno portata dove è ora ed ero ancora più interessata.

Quando mi capita di fare qualche collaborazione, la maggior parte delle volte, è con compagnie che fanno lana o che hanno qualcosa a che fare con il mondo della maglia. Per forza, è il mio lavoro e la mia più grande passione. Ma quando collaborazioni di questo tipo arrivano nella mia casella di posta, sono interessata forse ancora di più.

Sul sito troverete moltissime informazioni, dalla storia di Victoria, a come voglia combinare un design conteporaneo con un mestiere tradizionale.

When “Contemporary Design meets Traditional Craft”

Hair sticks are the original hair tool and have been used for thousands of years. They are durable, created to last and an alternative to plastic and elastic. Each SAYA hairpin is inspired by the rich flora and fauna in Indonesia, and designed to directly reflect local plant life. They are carved by hand by Balinese artisans, sanded down to the finest grain using simple tools and techniques, and finished with natural wax and oils

(from theethosof SAYA Designs)

Fatevi un favore: andate a leggere la storia dietro SAYA Designs.. Sul sito troverete, appunto, moltissime informazioni e anche dei tutorials su come usare al meglio i ferma capelli. Questa sezione mi è stata super utile; ho quasi sempre avuto capelli medio-lunghi e finisco sempre per tenerli negli stessi due modi, ma ora vorrei provare un paio di idee.

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